General Furry Rabbit Female OC [MMD 3D Model]
My General Furry Rabbit Female OC
Model created by MMDNeon
Toon Shader made with AlternativeFull
AlternativeFull by less
What this product contains:
- PMX file
- FX AlternativeFull files
- PNG texture files
Please use this model at your own risk. MMDNeon can not be held liable or responsible for any damages caused by using this model.
Terms of Use:
- Do not re-distribute or re-upload this model.
- Do not re-sell this model.
- Credit me, "MMDNeon", when using this model.
- You can modify this model, but you may not re-distribute or re-sell it.
- You can use this model for any media, including NSFW.
- You cannot use this model for any media with Religion, Racism, Anti LGBTQIA2+, Terrorism, Grotesque, and Violent content.
PMX, FX & Texture files
505 KB
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